Kekova Roads

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Kekova Roads

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36°10.4′N, 29°50.4′E
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Entrance to Uçagiz from necropolis of Teimiussa
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Kekova Roads is an enclosed bay protected by the 4 mile long Kekova Island. The Bay has several wonderful anchorages and an inner, completely land locked cove, Uçagiz Liman, which is always calm. There are several submerged foundations on the NW side of Kekova Island near Tersane, in Kale Köy, and at Asar Bay, a 30 minute walk from Pölemos Bükü. At the NE there is the beautiful Gökkaya Liman with many places to anchor. From there you could visit with your dinghy Demre and Myra, just 2 nM away. On the south side of Kekova Adasi there is the lovely and secluded Karaloz Liman.

During the day all of the anchorages at Kekova Roads are crowded with gulets and day-trip boats but in the evening things do quieten down. In the absence of a major weather system bringing its own winds, the usual diurnal winds are light SE, which turn around at night to blow from NW. It is important to bear this in mind when selecting an anchoring spot, especially in Uçagiz Liman, as yachts may well not be lying to their anchor when you arrive.


Kekova Roads Region
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236 Hisarönü Körfesi to Taslik burnu
G40 Kas to Antalya
54421 Kadiga to Ilbiz Burnu
54420 Isakandil Burnu to Didarde Burnu
321 Kaş - Çavuş Burnu

Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets.

Submit details of local radio Nets.

Local Weather

There is an absence of a major weather system bringing its own winds, the usual diurnal winds are light SE, which turn around at night to blow from NW.

Also see Turkey.

Approach and Navigation

There are two approaches to Kekova Roads, from the east around Geyikova Burnu at the east end of Kekova Island and from the west between Kekova Island and the mainland. The eastern entrance presents few problems as long as you give the various islets in the approach a good clearance. However, there are dangerous reefs 200 metres SE of the village of Kale Köy (identifiable by its impressive Crusader castle). The reefs are marked with a south cardinal mark, which is lit at night. In the western approach, yachts may pass either side of a small group of rocky islets in the entrance, Karagol Adalari. The safer passage, especially on a first visit, is to the west of these islets, since there are dangerous, unmarked reefs 200 metres north of the eastern passage. A white-painted light structure on the northern shore bearing 356 degrees gives you safe entrance through the western passage.

The entrance to the inner cove and anchorages of Uçağiz is hard to spot, being surrounded by small rocky islets. The village of Uçağiz on the north shore on a bearing of 340 degrees gives you safe passage into the anchorage. Once on the approach, a small inner islet will be seen, which should be left at least 100 metres to starboard as there are extensive shallow reefs all round it.

Warning: Care must be taken when entering Kekova Roads form the Karaölor Adalari entrance (west), especially under sail, to avoid the many rocks near Karaölor and because there can be very violent gusts.

Check-in facilities


Offshore Islands and Groups

Kekova Adasi

The only island here is Kekova Adasi. There are two anchorages on the island:


Chart of Tersane
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World icon.png 36°10.36′N, 29°50.77′E
Tersane or Xera is a tiny, well-sheltered cove on the NW side of Kekova Island. If you can find room in this cove, which is packed with tripper boats during the season, you can anchor in 4-5 metres and take a line ashore to either side. The bottom is sand and rock and provides good holding. There are a couple of ropes tied through holes in the rocks on either side of the inlet which can be used to take a stern line. However, tripper boats come and go all day from around 0900 up until 2000 or later and, since the daytime wind tends to blow down the inlet, lay their anchors to the wind while their clients go for a quick splash. This means that if you have laid your chain across the inlet it will only be a matter of time before one of them snags your anchor. Effectively, this means that you need to arrive late and leave early - at least during the season. At its head, the cove is dominated by the collapsed arch of a Byzantine church. To the east of the cove, one can see many submerged ruins (Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine). Snorkeling here, in the crystal-clear water, is definitely worth your while, despite the endless procession of day-trip boats with glass bottoms and loudspeakers.

Even if you cannot find room to anchor in Tersane, you could possibly visit it from Kale Köy or Uçağiz with the dinghy.

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Submerged ruins in Kekova island

Karaloz Liman

Chart of Karaloz Liman - Chartlet
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World icon.png 36°10.9′N, 29°53.6′E
Karaloz Liman or Port Saint Stefano is a completely landlocked cove on the south of Kekova Adasi. The cove is totally secluded and affords a wonderful anchorage, for several boats. The water is crystal-clear and the bottom is mud and weed with good holding. There can be, however, strong gusts so it is best to take a line ashore.

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Karaloz Liman

Marinas & Yacht Clubs



Pölemos Bükü

Chart of Pölemos Bükü - Chartlet
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World icon.png 36°10′N, 29°48.4′E
Pölemos Bükü is the westernmost anchorage of Kekova Roads. You can anchor in 5-10 metres near the shore. This is a very protected cove but subject to violent gusts that can easily reach 40 knots. It may be prudent to take a line ashore, as the bottom is soft mud and with the gusts the anchor may drag. There is a small restaurant at the end of the cove. About a 30 minute walk to the west, there is Asar Bay, the ancient Aperlae whose ruins are fun to visit as they are totally deserted and quite extensive but it is hard going as the terrain is very rough. One can snorkel to see the underwater foundations.

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Uçagiz Liman

Chart of Uçagiz Liman - Chartlet
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World icon.png 36°11.7′N, 29°50.9′E
Uçagiz Liman or Ölü Deniz or Tristomos is a land locked lagoon which is always calm, an excellent all around shelter. The water, however, is not clear but dirty. The bottom here is everywhere mud and reasonable holding, although some plough-type anchors will dig a furrow through it unless you let out plenty of chain. It is not unusual to need three or four attempts before your anchor holds. The best holding appears to be in the western arm of the inlet, to the west of the hamlet of Uçagiz, where the depths are 6-7 metres. One can also anchor in the eastern arm, although there is a slight chop here from the prevailing SW winds blowing in through the entrance.

A new T-jetty has just been completed off the hamlet, where, once fully commissioned, around 20 yachts will be able to berth stern or bows-to. There are at present (June 2010) just a few laid moorings, so it may be necessary to use your anchor. Depths off the jetty are around 4-5 metres. There are water and electricity points. Once the jetty is in commission, a charge will be made. There is a second jetty to the west, but this is for gulets only.

There are a number of reportedly overpriced restaurants in the hamlet. To the east, accessible by a rather rocky path (wear sensible footwear) is the necropolis of the ancient Lycian town of Teimiussa, with numerous Lycian sarcophagi and a small acropolis on a rocky headland with excellent views out over Kekova Roads.

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Kale Köy

Chart of Kale Köy
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World icon.png 36°11.3′N, 29°51.7′E
Kale Köy the ancient Lycian town of Simena is a very picturesque location dominated by its Crusader castle, Lycian necropolis and submerged tombs protruding from the water. It needs to be approached with care because of the numerous reefs. The safest approach is on a course of 010°, heading for the castle, which avoids the rocky islets and their associated reefs to either side. The bottom is mud and weed over rock and does not provide secure holding. It is better either to anchor inside Uçağiz Liman and visit Kale Köy with the dinghy or to berth alongside at one of the three 50-metre long pontoons provided by the restaurants. The pontoons belong to the Likya, Hasan’s Roma and (confusingly) Hassan Deniz Restaurants. All can accommodate around 2/3 yachts either side of their pontoons, depending on size. Depths at the pontoons range from 4.5 metres at the root to 12 – 14 at the end. There are shallows about 20 metres to the west of the westernmost pontoon, which need to be avoided when berthing. All the restaurants offer water and electricity on the pontoon and WiFi into the bargain. Another smaller restaurant on the west side, Simena Restaurant, has a small stub quay, which is shallow and only suitable for dinghies.

The medieval castle at the top of the village and the ancient theatre inside its walls are well worth the climb. The theatre is miniscule, just seven rows of seats. The necropolis of ancient Simena a few hundred yards to the east of the castle is also worth a visit. There are a number of intact Lycian tombs in an impressive setting overlooking Kekova Roads. The steep path up to the castle is lined with Turkish girls in costume selling scarves and cheap jewellery trinkets. Finally, if berthed at the pontoons, it is an 800 metre dinghy trip over to Kekova Island on a bearing of 130° to visit the impressive ruins of the ancient Lycian city on its north shore that was submerged in an earthquake.

Once the day tripper boats leave by around 1800, Kale Köy reverts to a charming Turkish fishing village, the children out to play after returning on the school boat, the men out fishing and the families sipping cay in the harbourside cafes and setting the world to rights.

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Gökkaya Liman

Chart of Gökkaya Liman (the restaurants are no longer open) - Chartlet
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View over Gökkaya Liman
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World icon.png 36°12.4′N, 29°54′E
There are several sheltered anchorages, protected by a number of small islands, at this cove at the eastern end of Kekova Roads. The surroundings here are quite idyllic and – out of season - peaceful. Gökkaya Liman can be entered from S, SE or E. In the southern approach between Kisneli Adasi and the mainland there are good depths of 10-15 metres, although a reef extends for some 100 metres NE of the islet you pass in the approach. The approach from the SE between Kisneli and Ashil islets has depths of up to 30 metres and no dangers. When entering from either direction, however, beware of the reefs around the group of small rocky islets where the two approaches meet; there is an isolated underwater rock just west of this group with only 3.5 metres over it. The approach from E between Ashil islet and the mainland has depths of 8 – 20 metres and passes under overhead power lines with a clearance of at least 25 metres (unless your rig is exceptionally tall, it should not present problems; we watched a Beneteau 50 pass under without problems --Athene of Lymington 15:42, 3 June 2010 (UTC)).

Once in the cove you can anchor anywhere there are suitable depths. The holding is good on mud and sand. Two of the most popular anchorages are in the narrow inlet running west from the centre of the cove, where you can anchor in 3.0 – 5.0 metres and take a line ashore, and in the NW corner where there are ruins ashore and a freshwater creek running into the anchorage. Anchor in 3.0 – 7.0 metres on mud and sand. One disadvantage of this anchorage is that day tripper boats from Andraki two miles to the east occasionally moor up here overnight during the season and arrive in the dark amidst much revving of engines and shouting. It is thus absolutely essential to use a good anchor light here if staying overnight.

There are now no restaurants in the cove, the last one having closed in 2007, but there is a rustic bar, Smugglers Inn, at the head of the narrow inlet, which will pick you up from your yacht if your onboard beer supplies are exhausted. Other than just appreciating the beautiful surroundings, it is fun to potter up the creek in the NW corner (beware of the underwater rock in the middle of the entrance), where a steady flow of fresh water from an inland spring keeps the cove cool. There is also a sea cave at the SE end of Ashil islet which you can enter in the dinghy and enjoy some respite from the baking summer heat. On the west side of Kisneli islet there are the ruins of what appears to have been a Byzantine church. Also, a section of the Lycian Way long-distance walking path runs along the west side of Gökkaya Liman and can be explored on foot if you take sensible shoes. Finally, it is possible to leave the boat here and visit Andraki, the harbour of Demre and Myra, just 2 nM ENE. If you need directions, just follow the tripper boats when they leave the anchorage from 0800 onwards.

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Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores




Fuel, Water, & Electricity

N/A (Not Available)
On pontoons at Uçagiz and Kale Köy
On pontoons at Uçagiz and Kale Köy

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


See notes on individual anchorages.

Grocery Stores

Very limited.



At restaurant pontoons in Kale Köy (although rather unreliable).


Behind main square in Uçagiz.

Motorbike & Car Rentals


Garbage Disposal

Bins on waterfront at Uçagiz.



Routes/Passages To/From

See Aegean.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

See Turkey

Personal Notes

  • We spent two nights on the restaurant pontoons at Kale Koy and it was distressing to see the number of yachts that took advantage of the secure alongside moorings on them to visit the castle above the village and then push off without having the courtesy to take at least a drink or snack in the restaurant concerned. They are the only secure place to moor at Kale Koy, they are free to customers, but they won't be there much longer if people abuse them --Athene of Lymington 09:46, 6 June 2010 (UTC).

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See individual ports in this page.


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Istioploos, Athene of Lymington

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