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38°55.29′N, 20°53.28′E
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Vonitsa lies on the SW side of the Ambrakikos Gulf in the Ionian Sea of Greece, eight miles inland from the harbour of Preveza at the entrance to the gulf. Originally a fishing harbour, the construction of an outer breakwater and a yacht quay with laid moorings have made Vonitsa a popular port of call for yachts cruising the gulf and it is often busy with flotillas. The harbour can accommodate around 30-35 yachts on laid moorings and anchor moor, divided between the yacht quay, a separate jetty and a short stub quay, both of the latter on the E side of the harbour. Shelter in the harbour is good in most conditions, although strong NE winds send in an uncomfortable swell. If the harbour is full, there are two good anchorages to E and W with good shelter in all but strong E or N winds.

Yachts moored in Vonitsa
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Yachts moored on the yacht quay
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Moorings on Vonitsa jetty
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Anchorage of Ag. Markou to NW of Vonitsa
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Anchorage of Ormos Koukouvitsa to E of Vonitsa
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The causeway over to Koukouvitsa island
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British Admiralty
203 Zakinthos to Paxoi
G11 – North Ionian Islands

Local Weather

The gulf is subject to the same conditions as the Ionian Sea when fronts or depressions pass over, although generally the winds will be less than in the open sea. During normal settled conditions, however, the mornings are often windless until in early afternoon a westerly sea breeze sets in, which can sometimes rise to 15 knots or more but rarely blows for longer than an hour or two. The sea breeze is generally stronger in the western part of the gulf than the eastern.

Overnight, an easterly land breeze off the mountains at the E end of the gulf is common, which rarely rises above 10 knots. In some of the bays along the S coast this wind can come from SE or even due S, which needs to be considered when anchoring.

Sources for Weather forecasts:

Approach and Navigation

For entry to the gulf, see Preveza. The approach to Vonitsa is free of dangers except for a shoal patch which extends half a mile off Cape Panayia three miles NW of the town, between it and the island of Nisos Kefalos (which itself is surrounded by shoals). A course halfway between the cape and the island takes you free of danger. Entry to the harbour is from either side of a long detached breakwater. Depths in the entrance are 4.0 – 4.5 metres and at the quays between 2.25 and 2.5 metres.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)

None. Check in at Preveza.

Offshore Islands and Groups

Berthing Options

For a map of the mooring options in Vonitsa, click on this link:

A. Yacht quay

The principal moorings in Vonitsa harbour are on the W side directly behind the detached breakwater on a quay which can accommodate around 20 yachts moored bows or stern-to. There are currently (September 2012) 16 laid moorings, but a further four yachts can fit in using their anchors. Note that there are some rocks about 6 metres off the quay which make the last 10 metres at the western end of the quay dangerous to moor on. Depths at the quay are 2.25 metres and 3.5 – 4.0 metres five metres off the quay. Mooring is to rusty steel bollards and/or mooring rings. Shelter here is excellent from all directions.

B. Jetty

The jetty extends NE from the shore just inside the E breakwater entrance and can accommodate 10-12 yachts anchor moored bows or stern-to on its outside edge (the inside edge is taken up with local small craft moorings). Depths are 2.5 metres along the quay, shallowing to 2.25 metres towards the root. Depths are 4.0 metres five metres off the quay. Mooring is to good quality stainless steel mooring rings. Shelter here is good, although strong E winds would make it very uncomfortable.

C. Stub quay

E of the jetty along the waterfront is a stub quay with depths of 1.5 metres alongside, which in theory could accommodate 8-10 small yachts. However, there is only one mooring ring to tie on to (plus a lamppost) and the shelter is rather poor, so this option should only be considered in very settled weather and for shallow draft yachts.

D. Waterfront quay

On either side of the stub quay it is possible to moor along the waterfront, where there are depths of 1.5 metres to the W of the stub quay and 2.0 metres to the E. However, there are very few mooring rings along this section and it is completely open N. Settled weather only.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs



Ormos Ag MarkouWorld icon.png 38°55.98′N, 20°52.10′E

Ormos KoukouvitsaWorld icon.png 38°55.40′N, 20°54.07′E

Yacht Repairs and Services


Marine Stores




Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Taps on yacht quay and jetty only.

Things to do Ashore


The 17th century Venetian castle above the town is impressive and well worth a visit. The views over the bay and the lagoon to the NW are superb. The town also has a long shingle beach which is cleaner than many in the gulf.

Bay of Vonitsa from castle
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A turtle checks the moorings in Vonitsa harbour
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Grocery & Supply Stores

Wide range of shops and supermarket in the town.


  • Tavernas and cafes along the waterfront
  • Remezzo restaurant is good and English is spoken.


At Remezzo and several cafes.



Motorbike & Car Rentals


Garbage Disposal

Bins at yacht quay and jetty.


  • Flights from Preveza Aktion (PVK) airport (20 minutes by taxi). From May to October a number of charter companies operate direct flights from/to Manchester, Gatwick, Amsterdam, Dusseldorf and possibly some other European cities. From the airport it is only a short taxi drive to the boatyards on the Aktion side or through the tunnel to Preveza.
  • Buses. Local buses to Preveza and Arta.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

See Ionian Sea.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

  • Vonitsa varies between frantic on the nights when the flotillas are in to relatively peaceful on other nights. Saturday and Sunday seem to be thre main flotilla nights. --Athene of Lymington 15:03, 30 September 2012 (BST)

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: --Athene of Lymington

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