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Baie de Cook


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The best anchorages in Mo'orea are in Cook Bay and Opunohu Bay, both of which are on the north of the island.

  • Cook Bay contains a small marina and restaurant, as well as a number of shops.
  • Opunohu Bay to the west has fewer settlements. The main anchorage is at the head of the bay to the eastern side, shelter isn't perfect but holding is good in sand and mud with depths ranging from 3 to 15 metres. The anchorage is near the only freely accessible beach on the island. On the eastern side of Opunohu Bay is the village of Papetoai which contains a dinghy dock (enter this from the north only, coming from the east side may cause you to hit coral even in a dinghy), 3 useful shops and a scenic church.
  • Multihulls and other shallower drafted vessels may have some luck anchoring on the north side of the island, inside the lagoon to the west of Opunohu Bay.

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Personal Notes

Beach near the northern entrance of Opunohu Bay, Mo'orea


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