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Santorini or Thera

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36°25′N, 25°25.5′E
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Photo gallery
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Local chartlet
Βρεθήκαμε γυμνοί πάνω στην αλαφρόπετρα
κοιτάζοντας τ' αναδυόμενα νησιά
κοιτάζοντας τα κόκκινα νησιά να βυθίζουν
στον ύπνο τους, στον ύπνο μας.
Εδώ βρεθήκαμε γυμνοί κρατώντας
τη ζυγαριά που βάραινε κατά το μέρος
της αδικίας.
We found ourselves naked on the pumice stone
watching the emerging islands
watching the red islands submerge
into their sleep, into our sleep.
Here we found ourselves naked holding
the scale that was leaning towards
the injustice.
Santorini, George Seferis
Fresco from Akrotiri
Click for larger view

Santorini (Σαντορίνη) or Thíra (Θήρα) is an amazing and an unique island, an active volcano. There are no good anchorages but there are hordes of tourists, disgorged daily by monstrous cruise ships, there are tourist stores selling the worst and most vulgar souvenirs and yet despite all these one is drawn to this island. Maybe it is its geological history of islands suddenly rising and submerging into the sea, maybe it is its because of its exquisite frescoes and other archeological sites, or its wine, or its black beaches. Maybe it is the always felt danger of angry Poseidon, the Earthshaker who has not stopped shaking this island to this day. The eruption of 1550 BC, created the great caldera and destroyed the Minoan civilization on the island, and according to some theories maybe even brought to an end the Minoan civilization in Crete. In 236 BC the volcano erupted and separated Thirasia from Thíra, in 157 BC Palea (Old) Kameni (Καμένη - burned) emerged. In 1570 AD the south coast of the island was submerged, then three years later in 1573 Mikra (Small) Kameni rose from the water to be followed in 1711-12 AD by Nea (New) Kameni. The 1866 eruption lasted for two years with a new island appearing and then sinking again. In 1925-26 another eruption joined Small and Nea Kameni into one island. The last activity was in 1956, a massive earthquake that destroyed the towns of Fira, the capital, Oia or Pano Meria, and Finikia.

According to the Mythology, Thíra was formed from a lump of earth presented to Jason by Triton which after he dropped in the Aegean became an island originally called Kalliste (the most beautiful) and Strongyle (rounded). The regular eruptions of the volcano created a rich fertile soil which attracted early inhabitants from Karia. The Karian were chased away by the Minoans. They built the town of Akrotiri which was destroyed by the eruption of 1550 BC. In 8th century BC the island was populated by Dorians who gave it its present name of Thíra. They built their capital in Mesa Vouno and they founded the city Cyrene in Libya. During the Peloponnesian War, Thíra sided with Sparta against Athens. The Macedonians Ptolemys of Egypt established here a naval base. The Byzantines built many castles on the island but in 1204 AD they lost it to the Venetians under the Crispi family. The Venetians made their capital at Skaros near Imerovigli (NE). Their patron's name was Santa Irene from which the name Santorini is derived. In 1537 the Ottomans conquered the island and held it until it became part of Greece after the 1821 War of Independence.

The wealthy Nomikos family of shipowners come from Thíra and they have helped with its rebuilding after the 1956 earthquake. They also, grow and make in their vineyards, some excellent white wine.


Map of Santorini
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1037 Nisís Falkonera to Nísos Ios
G33 Southern Cyclades
54321 Nisos Thira
54320 Kiklades Nisoi to Kriti
42 Andros to Chalki Island
423 Paros to Astypalia

Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

  • Coast Guard - VHF channel 12 & Tel. +30 22860 22 239
  • Olympia Radio - VHF channels 26 & 87


See Aegean Sea.

Approach and Navigation

Approaches to Santorini are straightforward with no dangers as the waters are very deep. The exception is the approach to the "marina".

Warning: There many reefs at the entrance to the marina. Approach it from the West.

Check-in facilities

The only really good anchorage in Santorini is the newly built "marina".

Ports and Popular Stops


Santorini Marina

World icon.png 36°20.1′N, 25°26.2′E

Note: The yellow buoy in the approaches mentioned in the Greek Waters Pilot by Rod Heikell is no longer in position. There is a yellow buoy closer in, but it appears to mark the outer extremity of the submerged east breakwater and should be avoided. An approach from the WSW appears to avoid the shallows.

This is a new "marina" at Vlikadha just west of Cape Exomitis. It is now finished and provides alongside berthing in secure conditions with water, electricity, WCs and WiFi network included in the (June 2009) mooring fee of €20. The harbour is the only well protected harbour or anchorage on the island. The harbour tends to silt during the winter storms and dredging operations are virtually constant to keep the depths in the harbour at around 2.5 to 3.0 meters. Currently (June 2009) dredging operations are taking place in the outer harbour and the principal berths available for visiting yachts are alongside the two outer arms of the semi-circular quays, where rafting up is usually necessary. There is sometimes space for a few yachts in the inner harbour (either on an anchor moor or alongside), but it is often full of local day charter catamarans and fishing boats. The "marina" is about a 20 minute drive from Fira. The marina office or the restaurants on the cliffs above can arrange for car or scooter rental. Both the restaurants are very friendly to yachtsmen and serve good food.

The marina office is staffed from 0900 to around 1900 daily. Call on VHF channel 10 or telephone 0030 22860 82119.

Chart of Santorini Marina
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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

The Santorini Marina
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Skala Thíra

World icon.png 36°25′N, 25°25.5′E

Skala Thíra (Σκάλα Θήρα) or Skala Fira (Σκάλα Φηρά) is the main harbor and where the cruise ships call. It is not really a harbor but a quay. There is a lot swell into the bay. The shelter is not great. It is too deep here to anchor so, yachts tie to one of two buys and go stern-to. The problem here is that when a boat wants to depart, the boats on the outside have to untie. Under these conditions it is hard to leave your boat unattended and go sight seeing. It may be preferable to use another anchorage.

Going up to the town one can either take the cable car or the more picturesque mules. Local legend has it that the souls of "bad people," when they die, become these mules that ferry the tourist up the windy path.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

Chart of Skala
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This is a small commercial harbor about 3 nM S of Skala. It is usually crowded with small cargo ships.



Moorings at Oia
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This is the anchorage of Oia (Οία) and Finikia. It is a reasonably shelter from the meltemi but there is almost always some swell. There is a small pier with about 6 m depth but it usually crowded with fishing boats. Anchor off at 10-20 m depth. The bottom is rocky so use a trip line or be prepared to dive in case the anchor gets fouled. Alternatively, there are about eight buoys, one or more of which may be free for a short stay.

Oia is also referred to by the locals as Pano Meria (Upper place).

Cape Akrotiri

On the S of Cape Akrotiri there are a few coves, sheltered from the meltemi. Again there seems to be some constant swell. Anchor in 4-5 m. Good holding. This maybe a good place to stop for visiting the Akrotiri excavation.


This is a small harbor on the E coast of the island. The shelter here is reasonable but there is some swell with the meltemi. The rough breakwater has 2-3 m depths. Go bows-to with a long line at the extremity of the breakwater.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

A new marina is now semi-operational at Vlikadha at southern tip of the island Santorini Marina.

Yacht Services and Repairs

Marine Stores


Yacht Services/Repairs/Yards


Fuel, Water, & Electricity

The restaurant over the cliff from the "marina" can arrange for a delivery.
N/A (Not Available)

Offshore Islands


This is the westernmost of the Thíra islands. The bay of Ayios Nikolaos provides good shelter from the meltemi but there is a constant swell. Anchor off the little pier. There is ferry service to Thíra.

Nea Kameni

This is the newest of the islands. You can either come here with the dinghy or anchor and take a shore line to the quay. The shelter here is good but be aware of the large number of day-trip boats.

Warning: It is reputed that there are very big and bold rats here that may come aboard.

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


Santorini Akrotiri2.jpg
From the Excavation at Akrotiri
Click for larger view
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From the Excavation at Akrotiri
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Inscription in Ancient Thíra
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View from Ancient Thíra
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Sulfuric fumes emanate from fissures in
Nea Kameni
Click for larger view
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One of the Craters in Nea Kameni
Click for larger view

Minoan Akrotiri

Akrotiri is one of the most important prehistoric settlements of the Aegean. It is open every day except on Mondays from 8:30-15:00. The firs habitation at the site dates from the Late Neolithic times (at least the 4th millennium B.C.). During the Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium B.C.), a sizeable settlement was founded and in the Middle and early Late Bronze Age (ca. 20th-17th centuries B.C.) It was extended and gradually developed into one of the main urban centers and ports of the Aegean. The large extent of the settlement (ca. 20 hectares), the elaborate drainage system, the sophisticated multi-storeyed buildings with the magnificent wall-paintings, furniture and vessels, show its great development and prosperity. The various imported objects found in the buildings indicate the wide network of its external relations. Akrotiri was in contact with Crete but also communicated with the Greek Mainland, the Dodecanese, Cyprus, Syria and Egypt. The town's life came to an abrupt end in the last quarter of the 17th century B.C. when the inhabitants were obliged to abandon it as a result of severe earthquakes. The eruption followed. The volcanic materials covered the entire island and the town itself. These materials, however, have protected up to date the buildings and their contents, just like in Pompeii.

The first clues that something important may be buried here came in the 1860's during the excavation of pumice for the rebuilding of Port Said during the construction of the Suez Canal: cut stone blocks belonging to ancient walls kept getting in the way. A French geologist, Fouqué, who came to Thíra to study the 1866 volcano eruption, started digging and unearthed carbonized food, vases, frescoes, and a pure copper saw. In 1967 the Greek archeologist, Spyros Marinatos, following his theory that the palaces in Crete were destroyed by the tsunami caused by the cataclysmic 17th century B.C. Eruption of Thíra, started a serious excavation at this site. Originally, his trenches yielded disappointing results until the digging reached below the volcanic ash. Suddenly they exposed rooms full of huge storage vases, 3500 year old three story houses with sophisticated drainage systems, imprints of elaborate wooden furniture, and the most stunning of all: rooms decorated my vivid magnificent frescoes. Some of these can be seen at the site, for the rest one must visit National Archaeological Museum of Athens (they are now slowly brought back in a the new Museum of Prehistoric Thera).

The town of Thíra

Thíra or Fira is the capital of the island. It is zoo! Totally overrun by tourists. Nevertheless the view of the crater from the town is out of this world. The town was almost completely destroyed by the 1956 earthquake. The rebuilt concrete houses are not the original, yet, they have maintained their Cycladic architecture with their white washed curves and blue domed churches.

In town there is the Archaeological Museum of Thíra (open daily except Mondays from 8:30-15:00) has some nice Early Cycladic figurines but the most significant finds from Akrotiri are either in Museum of Prehistoric Thera or in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. The Megaron Gyzi Museum (open daily from 10:30-13:30 and 17:00-20:00) is a beautiful 17th century mansion and house a collection manuscripts, old maps, costumes, and photographs that illustrate the island's history. Finally, there is the Folklore Museum (open daily from 6:00-8:00) is in a 1861 cave-house and shows the owner's family her looms.

Ancient Thíra

Ancient Thíra, the Classical city of the island is located on Mesa Vouno, 396 m. above sea level. It was founded in the 9th century B.C. by Dorian colonists whose leader was Theras, and continued to be inhabited until the early Byzantine period. It was excavated in the 19th century. Many of the excavated houses still have their mosaics and graffiti dated from 800 BC. Also here are some Cyclopean walls.

Nea Kameni

Here is the still active Metaxá crater. It last erupted in 1950 and it still spews some steam. It is not as imposing, however, as the craters in Niseros.

Ayios Nicolaos

Ayios Nicolaos Marmarites at Emporeio Grave monument in the shape of a small, square temple (4.18 x 3.59 m.) built entirely of grey marble. It is preserve intact, up to the roof, which is made of marble slabs and is supported by three monolithic marble posts inside the building. The entrance is located on the south side. A small niche inside the tomb, flanked by small Ionic columns supporting a Doric architrave, sheltered the statue of the goddess. The structure is dated to the 3rd century B.C. According to the inscription carved below the niche, the temple was dedicated to the goddess Basileia and was used as a family tomb. The monument has now been converted into a Christian church, dedicated to St. Nicholas and has been called "Marmarites" (of the marble) after the building material of Emporeio.


The ruins of ancient Eleusis, near Cape Exomitis,are submerged and one can see them by snorkeling. Nearby, at the cape, is the best-preserved Byzantine fortress.

Grocery Stores

  • There are a number of food stores in Fira
  • The tiny tomatoes from the island are said to be the best in Greece
  • While in Santorini one should buy some of the excellent local wines, particularly the whites


Santorini is famous in Greece for its good food and wine. Food specialties are pseftokeftedes (false meatballs) deep-fried balls made of tomatoes, onions, and mint.

In the town of Fira there are many restaurants (sometimes it seems there is nothing else), most of them indifferent. Some of the best are reputed to be:

  • Tomates
  • The Roosters
  • Nikolas
  • Kokoroulia
  • Good food at the Archipelagos
  • Outside Fira there is Domata near Monolithos, reputed to be the best in the island
  • In Oia the well known 1800, in an old mansion and the Skala
  • The restaurant over the cliff from the "marina" are very friendly to yachtsmen and serve good food


In Internet cafés.


The Pelican Laundry off the main square in Fira has same day service.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Many agencies the town of Fira. The restaurant over the cliff from the "marina" can arrange for a car rental.

Garbage Disposal

There are many bins.


There are daily flights from Athens, and ferries from Piraeus.

Routes/Passages To/From

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on the Cruiser Log Forum

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References & Publications

See Greece.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

See individual ports in this page.

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