Ebeye Island

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Ebeye Island (Port of entry)

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Ebeye Island


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Ebeye is the most populous island of Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, as well as the center for Marshallese culture in the Ralik Chain of the archipelago. Settled on only 80 acres (360,000 m²) of land, it has a population of more than 12,000. With crowded living conditions, an inadequate school system, and scarce clean water, Ebeye has been known by the unofficial and unfortunate title of "Slum of the Pacific." This term, however, is often made in comparison to the affluent and relatively luxuriously subsidized lifestyle of nearby Kwajalein island, home to a major United States Army installation populated by only about 1,500 individuals—American and (some) Marshallese civilian contractors and their families. Despite this, for many who reside on Ebeye, though crowded and often politically tense, this tightly-knit and very diverse community from all over the Marshall Islands is also considered a vibrant, urban melting pot.

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Radio Nets

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Approach and Navigation


Check-in facilities

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Ports and Popular Stops



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Marinas & Yacht Clubs

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Yacht Services and Repairs

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Marine Stores

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Yacht Services/Repairs/Yards

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Offshore Islands

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Tourism and Things to do Ashore


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Grocery & Supply Stores





Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal



Transportation (local and/or international)

Routes/Passages To/From

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Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

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External Links

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References & Publications

Publications, Guides, etc.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

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