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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaRab

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Rab Island in Croatia.

44°46.208'N, 014°46.267'E Chart icon.png
Rab Town from the anchorage of U. Sv. Fumija
POI icon.png Interactive map of harbours and anchorages

Rab Island lies off the mainland coast of Croatia, 10 miles E of the long island of Cres and six miles S of Croatia’s largest island, Krk. The three-mile wide Paski Kanal separates Rab from the island of Pag to the south. Between the island and the mainland lies the infamous Velebitski Kanal, where winds in excess of 60 knots have been recorded during the fierce northerly winds known as the bora. The bora has stripped most of the vegetation from the E side of the island, but its western side is by contrast green and fertile, with pine forests, olive groves and vineyards. While less frequented than Krk or Cres islands, both of which are easily reached from the international airport of Rijeka, Rab has its fair share of tourism, attracted by its pine forests and sheltered beaches. Most of the island’s main attractions are found in the mediaeval street plan of Rab Town, famous for its churches and bell towers dating back as far as the 12th century. The Lopar Peninsula at the northern end of the island has over 20 beautiful beaches fringed with pine forests. For the visiting cruiser, the main settlement of Rab Town and its 142-berth marina are to be found on this sheltered western side, whereas eight miles NNW by sea is the larger 247-berth marina of Marina Supetarska Draga. In addition, there are several small harbours and anchorages, mostly along the sheltered west-facing coasts, but with very limited facilities for yachts.


British Admiralty
Croatian charts
MK 7 Krk - Rab
M24 Gulf of Trieste to Losinj and Rab
M25 Otok Rab to Sibenik


Diurnal winds among the islands are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5, although gusting is common in narrow channels between islands and on the lee side of headlands. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains affect some of the islands close to the mainland coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas. In the winter the sudden, violent N wind off the mountains, the bora, is much to be feared, especially along the coast from Rijeka down to Zadar, although its effects can be felt as far south as Split.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.


See Croatia.



Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets


Add any navigation notes such approaches, dangers etc here. If this section does not apply remove it.


Rab Town is not a port of entry. The nearest port of entry is Mali Losinj.


The principal berthing options for yachts visiting the island are the ACI-operated marinas at Rab Town and Marina Supetarska Draga or the anchorages in the various bays on the NW and SW sides of the island. There are no sheltered harbours or anchorages facing the Velebitski Kanal on the E side. Click on link at top right of page for Interactive map of harbours and anchorages or for full details see below.


Marinas & Yacht Clubs


Note: U. (short for Uvala) = cove. Click on Berthing Options for the location and summary details of each anchorage or on the co-ordinates below for a simple map.

U. Sv. Fumija

U. Sv. Fumija/wiki/Rab#U._Sv._Fumija
Anchorage icon U. Sv. Fumija [[Rab#U. Sv. Fumija|U. Sv. Fumija]] 44°45.740'N, 014°45.122'E
The inlet of U Sv. Fumija extends for nearly a mile NW between the headland of Rt Frkanj and the town of Rab on the SW coast of Rab Island. The inlet offers good shelter in all but strong SE winds. A shoal marked with a light pillar, Plicina Frkanj, lies around 400 metres SE of the headland of Rt Frkanj and a second shoal, Plicina Vela Sika, a further 500 metres SE. The best approach is on a course half way between Rt Frkanj and Plicina Frkanj. Anchor wherever the depths are convenient. Depths in the inlet range from 3.0 metres at the head to 15 metres off the town. Holding is excellent in sand and mud.

Suha Punta Inlets

Suha Punta Inlets/wiki/Rab#Suha_Punta_Inlets
Anchorage icon Suha Punta Inlets [[Rab#Suha Punta Inlets|Suha Punta Inlets]] 44°45.507'N, 014°43.220'E
There is a series of useful inlets extending for a mile W of the settlement of Suha Punta, which lies two miles W of Rab Town. Three of the inlets offer suitable anchorages for a cruising yacht in depths ranging from 5.0 - 10.0 metres. The holding is generally good in sand and weed. The most popular of the inlets is U. Sv. Kristofor (see co-ordinates above), the most westerly of the three. Shelter in the inlets is good in all conditions except S winds.

U. Sv. Mara

U. Sv. Mara/wiki/Rab#U._Sv._Mara
Anchorage icon U. Sv. Mara [[Rab#U. Sv. Mara|U. Sv. Mara]] 44°46.906'N, 014°39.963'E
U. Sv. Mara is a two-pronged inlet situated one mile SE of the headland of Rt. Kalifront at the extreme NW corner of the island. The more northerly arm offers the better shelter, although shelter in both arms is good in all except S and SW winds. Depths are 3.0 - 7.0 metres. Holding is good in sand and weed.

Kamporska Draga

Kamporska Draga/wiki/Rab#Kamporska_Draga
Anchorage icon Kamporska Draga [[Rab#Kamporska Draga|Kamporska Draga]] 44°47.378'N, 014°42.126'E
Kamporska Draga is the westernmost of the three large inlets on the NW coast of the island. Almost two miles long, the inlet narrows towards its head, where there is a good anchorage off the village of Kampor. The approach is safe, although there are some isolated above-water rocks on the E side of the inlet. Shelter is good in all conditions except strong NW or N winds. Anchor in 5.0 - 8.0 metres off the village. Holding is good in sand.

Supetarska Draga

Supetarska Draga/wiki/Rab#Supetarska_Draga
Anchorage icon Supetarska Draga [[Rab#Supetarska Draga|Supetarska Draga]] 44°48.192'N, 014°43.207'E
Supetarska Draga is the middle and largest of the three inlets on the NW coast of Rab Island. In addition to the large marina of Marina Supetarska Draga at the head of the inlet, there are several attractive anchorages along its W side. The best anchorages are amongst the small islets at the NW corner of the inlet, where there are depths of 5.0 - 12.0 metres and excellent holding in sand. A detailed chart is a help in view of the various shoals and isolated rocks. Shelter is good here from most directions, although strong NW winds would be problematic and strong E winds would make the anchorages uncomfortable. Alternatively, anchor at the head of the inlet, immediately SW of the marina, where depths are 5.0 - 6.0 metres and the holding good in sand and mud.

U. Lopar

U. Lopar/wiki/Rab#U._Lopar
Anchorage icon U. Lopar [[Rab#U. Lopar|U. Lopar]] 44°50.203'N, 014°43.191'E
The anchorage of U. Lopar is the easternmost of the three inlets on the NW coast. Shelter here is not as good as in the other two inlets and it would not be a good place to be in strong N/NW or S winds. However, in settled weather it is a useful anchorage on passage around the N end of Rab Island. Anchor at the head of the inlet off the village of Lopar on the E side. Depths here are 4.0 - 8.0 metres and holding is good in sand and weed. A car ferry uses the small pier at the village and it may be possible to moor bows or stern-to the inner side of the pier (although anchoring is more peaceful).



Marina Rab/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Rab.5D.5DWater icon Marina Rab [[Rab#Marina Rab|Marina Rab]] 44°45.405'N, 014°45.736'E Water on each berth.

Marina Supetarska Draga/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Supetarska_Draga.5D.5DWater icon Marina Supetarska Draga [[Rab#Marina Supetarska Draga|Marina Supetarska Draga]] 44°48.171'N, 014°43.511'E Water on each berth.


Marina Rab/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Rab.5D.5DElectricity icon Marina Rab [[Rab#Marina Rab|Marina Rab]] 44°45.405'N, 014°45.736'E Electricity on each berth. Marina Supetarska Draga/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Supetarska_Draga.5D.5DElectricity icon Marina Supetarska Draga [[Rab#Marina Supetarska Draga|Marina Supetarska Draga]] 44°48.171'N, 014°43.511'E Electricity on each berth.


In Marina Rab and Marina Supetarska Draga.


In Marina Rab and Marina Supetarska Draga.


In the town.





Marina Rab/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Rab.5D.5DFuel icon Marina Rab [[Rab#Marina Rab|Marina Rab]] 44°45.405'N, 014°45.736'E Fuel dock.

Cooking gas

Give details on cooking gas (Camping Gaz, butane, propane, etc) suppliers. If there are no suppliers in the island just enter "None".

Suplier1/wiki/Rab#.3Cspan_style.3D.22color:magenta_.22.3ESuplier1.3C.2Fspan.3ECooking icon Suplier1 [[Rab#Suplier1|Suplier1]] DD.dddDD.ddd gas supplier location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.


Marina Rab/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Rab.5D.5DChandler icon Marina Rab [[Rab#Marina Rab|Marina Rab]] 44°45.405'N, 014°45.736'E Basic.

Marina Supetarska Draga/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Supetarska_Draga.5D.5DChandler icon Marina Supetarska Draga [[Rab#Marina Supetarska Draga|Marina Supetarska Draga]] 44°48.171'N, 014°43.511'E Basic.



Marina Rab/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Rab.5D.5DService icon Marina Rab [[Rab#Marina Rab|Marina Rab]] 44°45.405'N, 014°45.736'E Slipway. Limited repairs.

Marina Supetarska Draga/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Supetarska_Draga.5D.5DService icon Marina Supetarska Draga [[Rab#Marina Supetarska Draga|Marina Supetarska Draga]] 44°48.171'N, 014°43.511'E Small boatyard with space for 53 yachts on land. Slipway. Mobile crane (10 T). Basic engine, mechanical and electronic repairs. Antifouling and paint works.


In both marinas.

Mobile connectivity

Is there mobile telephone signal such as G4, G3, GPRS in the island? How strong is the signal? Are there any blind spots?

Vehicle Rentals

Rab Town/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BRab_Town.5D.5DCar icon Rab Town [[Rab#Rab Town|Rab Town]] 44°45.341'N, 014°46.025'E Several outlets.


Rab Town/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BRab_Town.5D.5DProvisions icon Rab Town [[Rab#Rab Town|Rab Town]] 44°45.341'N, 014°46.025'E Supermarket and provisions shops.

Marina Supetarska Draga/wiki/Rab#.5B.5BMarina_Supetarska_Draga.5D.5DProvisions icon Marina Supetarska Draga [[Rab#Marina Supetarska Draga|Marina Supetarska Draga]] 44°48.171'N, 014°43.511'E Minimarket.

Kamporska Draga/wiki/Rab#.5B.5B.23Kamporska_Draga.7CKamporska_Draga.5D.5DProvisions icon Kamporska Draga [[Rab#Kamporska Draga|Kamporska Draga]] 44°47.138'N, 014°42.539'E Simple grocery shops.

U. Lopar/wiki/Rab#.5B.5B.23U._Lopar.7CU._Lopar.5D.5DProvisions icon U. Lopar [[Rab#U. Lopar|U. Lopar]] 44°50.306'N, 014°43.393'E Simple grocery shops.


  • Buses to Rijeka on mainland and, in season, Zagreb.
  • Ferries to mainland from Misnjak at SE end of island.
  • Seasonal ferries from Lopar to Baska on Krk Island.

Eating out

Please specify POI name /wiki/Rab#.27.27_.27.27Eatingout icon [[Rab# | ]] 44°45.341'N, 014°46.025'E Numerous cafes and restaurants around the harbour and in the town.
Please specify POI name /wiki/Rab#.27.27_.27.27Eatingout icon [[Rab# | ]] 44°48.171'N, 014°43.511'E Restaurant.



Give a short history of the island.

Places to Visit

Rab Town, like most of the Croatian island capitals, is an attractive mediaeval town, with narrow streets and red-tiled rooftops punctuated by soaring church bell towers, and is well worth visiting for its churches dating back to the 12th century and 15th century Dominis Palace. Elsewhere around the island, the area around Lopar has the best beaches, surrounded by groves of pine trees, and the forests around the resort of Suha Punta have some good hiking trails.

Rooftops and belltowers of Rab Town
Berthing in Rab Town marina


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)


References & Publications

See Croatia.


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