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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaBiševo
42°58.335'N, 016°00.652'E Chart icon.png
lat=42.97225 | lon=16.01086 | zoom=11 | y
Biševo Island on August 7, 2015.JPG
Yachts anchored at the U. Mezuporat

Biševo is a small limestone island SW of Vis, in 4 NM of Komiža. Its area is 5.8 km2, the highest point, Straženica, is 239 m high. In the center of the island there is a fertile field, the northern part of the island is covered with pine forests and the rest of the island is covered with maquis shrubland or bare rocks. The coastal sea belt is a rich fishing area. The main industries are viticulture and fishing.

Officially there are a number of settlements on the island: Porat, Potok, Polje, Nevaja, Mezuporat and Salbunora, while there are only 5-6 permanent residents there and slightly more, 20-30, in season.


British Admiralty 2712, 2774
Croatian MK17
Imray M26 (Split to Dubrovnik)


Diurnal winds among the islands are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5, although gusting is common in narrow channels between islands and on the lee side of headlands. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains affect some of the islands close to the mainland coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas. In the winter the sudden, violent N wind off the mountains, the bora, is much to be feared, especially along the coast from Rijeka down to Zadar, although its effects can be felt as far south as Split.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.


See Croatia.



Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets



Split is the nearest all-year round port of entry. During the summer, Hvar and, if arriving from N, Primosten on the mainland are also ports of entry.




Naselje Porat.JPG
Hamlet of Porat at the Biševska luka

Biševska luka

Biševska luka/wiki/Bi%C5%A1evo#Bi.C5.A1evska_luka
Anchorage icon Biševska luka [[Biševo#Biševska luka|Biševska luka]] (Porat) 42°58.915'N, 016°00.076'E
A beautiful cove on the W coast. Anchor at 5-10 m. Unsuitable with S and W winds. A couple of restaurants ashore.

U. Mezuporat

U. Mezuporat/wiki/Bi%C5%A1evo#U._Mezuporat
Anchorage icon U. Mezuporat [[Biševo#U. Mezuporat|U. Mezuporat]] 42°58.944'N, 016°01.228'E
An organised mooring managed by the Nautički centar Komiža. The only reason to go there is to see the Blue Cave. A visit to the cave is paid per capita, but 1 hour mooring is free then.


Water None
Electricity None
Toilets None
Showers None
Laundry None
Fuel None
Bottled gas None
Chandlers None
Repairs None
Mobile connectivity
Vehicle rentals None


Eating out

A couple of restaurants in Biševska luka (aka Porat).

The restaurant Tomić was reportedly expensive back in 2012.


Ferry to Vis (see Državna brodska linija 612 Komiža-Biševo-Komiža).


A Benedictine monastery was founded on Biševo in 1050, but it was deserted two centuries later because of the danger of pirates. The church of Saint Sylvester is preserved near the ruins of the monastery.

Blue Cave

Blue Cave/wiki/Bi%C5%A1evo#Blue_Cave
World icon.png Blue Cave [[Biševo#Blue Cave|Blue Cave]] (Modra špilja) 42°58.831'N, 016°01.349'E
While on the steep shores of the island there are many caves, the most famous being this one. It's located at the starboard on the entrance to the U. Balun on the E side of the island. The approach to the cave is only possible by boat. It is 18 meters long, 6 meters deep, and 6 meters high. The entrance to the cave is only 1.5 meters high and 2.5 meters wide. During the summer between 10 am and 1 pm, sunbeams penetrate through the submarine opening in Blue Cave and are reflected from the white bottom floor, coloring the cave blue and objects in the water silver. The paid entrance to the cave is controlled by the Nautički centar Komiža (see near the bottom of the page). As per 2018 it's 100 Kn in season and 70 Kn off season per capita.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)


For other useful websites, see Croatia.


See Croatia.


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Date of member's last visit to Biševo and this page's details validated:

  • Aug 2018 by web research --Vadim

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