Limbongan Batu Maung

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Limbongan - Batu Maung


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Yard Facilities


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Marine Stores


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Personal Notes

  • Ragin Cajun, a Darwin, Aussie registered steel Roberts Mauritius has just completed a 4 day haul out in Malaysia. After all the horror stories of yachtie haulouts, i thought a good news one might help others. The yard is in Batu Maung on the south eastern corner of Penang island. The personnel were professional and knew their various trades. On site one has access to a canteen with local food at street prices, a store which carries everything one would need from paints and thinners on through to safety gear and anodes, travel lift, crane and two trolleyways, sandblasting, fibreglassing, painting, welding and engineering is all done on site. A driver goes to Georgetown to get additional supplies every day. The bonus, Yosuf in the prop shop. He does shaft straightening and balancing, and propellor balancing and repitching on site. Living aboard and working on own boat is allowed, and showers and toilets are available. Just a short walk over the hill are two chinese warungs for the evening feast. I did all my own work, which was sanding and painting under the water. Yosuf did the repitching and balancing the 3 blade 19" prop. In and out in 4 days. Cooperation all the way from the yard. The price was very reasonable. I am a happy little camper!!!
    Tony Beks (sv Ragin Cajun), Dec, 2007.



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