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WorldNorth AtlanticPortugalSesimbra

Sesimbra, Portugal (Port of Entry)

38°26.38′N, 09°6.4344′W Chart icon.png
esimbra harbour and marina

Sesimbra is situated six miles ENE of Cape Espichel in Portugal, which is itself some 20 miles south of the entrance to the Rio Tejo leading to Lisbon. It is a picturesque and well protected fishing harbour lying at the foot of the Serra da Arrábida mountain range and overlooked by a restored 13th century castle. It was an important port during the Age of Discoveries and a number of the Portuguese kings lived or stayed here at various times. Today, Sesimbra is a popular weekend hideaway for Lisbon residents seeking a refuge from the hustle and bustle of the capital. A small marina has been established in the harbour by the Clube Naval de Sesimbra in conjunction with the municipality. The marina is about two kilometers from the town.


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Sources for Weather forecasts:


British Admiralty


Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


Approach is straightforward once the long breakwater protecting the harbour from the SE is identified. Give the end of the breakwater a good clearance on entry as fishing boats often leave here at speed.


Sesimbra is a port of entry/exit to Portugal.

See details of marinas below for check-in information.


Marinas & Yacht Clubs

  • Marina Clube Naval de Sesimbra has berths on long pontoons for up to 180 yachts with a maximum length of 15 metres and maximum draft of 3.5 metres. Click on the link for separate Wiki entry.


Good anchorage in sand off the beach. Open from E round to SE.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

See Marina Clube Naval de Sesimbra.


See Marina Clube Naval de Sesimbra.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel pump in the harbour. Water and electricity on the marina pontoons.

Things to do Ashore


The town of Sesimbra is very attractive, in spite of having been virtually destroyed in the 1755 earthquake. A stroll through its narrow and steep streets up to the restored castle is rewarded with excellent views down over the harbour and the Parque Natural da Serra da Arrabida.

Grocery & Supply Stores


  • Good fish restaurants along the beach in the town (but 2km away from the marina).




Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal



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Routes/Passages To/From

See Portugal.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

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References & Publications

See Portugal.


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Date of member's last visit to Sesimbra and this page's details validated:

  • Data based on web research and accounts by other visiting yachtsmen (please update if possible) --Athene of Lymington 20:05, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

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Names: Lighthouse, Athene of Lymington

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