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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaKaprije

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Kaprije Island in Croatia.

43°41.718'N, 015°42.081'E Chart icon.png
lat=43.695307 | lon=15.701351 | zoom=12 | y
Luka Kaprije (Kaprije harbour) from NW

The island of Kaprije lies off the mainland coast of Croatia, seven miles W of the port of Sibenik. The islands of Kakan and Zmajan lie immediate W and E respectively. With a total area of only 2.7 square miles, the island supports a population of around 140, mostly centred on its single settlement -- village of Kaprije. The economy of the island is based on olive and grape production and, presumably, capers, from which the island takes its name. Today, of course, tourism is also an important contributor. Like many of the smaller Croatian islands, Kaprije is car-free.

The village's harbour is located at the head of a deep inlet on the W coast of the island.


British Admiralty
Croatian charts


Diurnal winds among the islands are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5, although gusting is common in narrow channels between islands and on the lee side of headlands. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains affect some of the islands close to the mainland coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas. In the winter the sudden, violent N wind off the mountains, the bora, is much to be feared, especially along the coast from Rijeka down to Zadar, although its effects can be felt as far south as Split.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.


See Croatia.



Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets


There are two berthing options on the island, the harbour of Kaprije Town and the anchorages (see below).

Yachts berthed at the jetty in the village of Kaprije (the jetty was enlarged significantly since this photo was taken)

Luka Kaprije

Luka Kaprije/wiki/Kaprije#Luka_Kaprije
Berth icon Luka Kaprije [[Kaprije#Luka Kaprije|Luka Kaprije]] (village harbour) 43°41.240'N, 015°42.453'E

The harbour is situated at the head of a half mile long inlet open NW. At the head of the bay on the E side next to the town is a concrete jetty, the outer side of which is used by the ferries.

The inside is equipped with laid moorings for 10-12 yachts to berth bows or stern-to. Depths at the jetty are 5.0 - 6.0 metres. Shelter in the harbour is good in all except moderate to strong NW winds.

There are water and electricity posts on the jetty, water is available 0800-1200, ask for assistance otherwise.


There are plenty of good anchorages around the island. Just to name a few:

Kaprije - Blick über einen Teil der Bucht und des Ortes.JPG
Buoy field in Kaprije

Luka Kaprije anchorage

Luka Kaprije anchorage/wiki/Kaprije#Luka_Kaprije_anchorage
Buoy icon Luka Kaprije anchorage [[Kaprije#Luka Kaprije anchorage|Luka Kaprije anchorage]] (Kaprije Bay) 43°41.189'N, 015°42.519'E

There are around 20 buoys laid in the bay in 3.0 - 5.0 meters. The per-night charge is HRK20/metre. The buoys experience some chop in the prevailing NW sea breeze, but it dies down by evening.

Alternatively, it is possible to anchor in the bay opposite the village of Kaprije, ensuring that you are well clear of the ferry turning circle. Anchor in 6.0 - 8.0 metres. The holding is good in sand and weed.

The anchorage is untenable in strong NW winds.
Anchorage of Mala Nozdra

U. Mala Nozdra

U. Mala Nozdra/wiki/Kaprije#U._Mala_Nozdra
Buoy icon U. Mala Nozdra [[Kaprije#U. Mala Nozdra|U. Mala Nozdra]] 43°40.730'N, 015°43.152'E

The anchorage of U. Mala Nozdra lies at the S end of Kiprije, facing two small islets, Misjak Veli and Misjak Mali, to the SE. Note in the approach that there are shoals to the NW of the tiny islet on the NW side of Misjak Veli. The anchorage offers good shelter in all but SE winds.

The both sides of the inlet were given over to a concession, so then the buoys are there you're supposed to moor at them. A charge is made.

Alternatively, there are also a few buoys provided by the two restaurants ashore, which are free if you eat there.

Otherwise anchor towards the head of the inlet in 5.0 - 6.0 metres. The holding is good in sand and weed.

U. Remetič

U. Remetič/wiki/Kaprije#U._Remeti.C4.8D
Buoy icon U. Remetič [[Kaprije#U. Remetič|U. Remetič]] 43°42.833'N, 015°40.762'E
At the NW end of the island. 10 buoys are deployed there, a charge is made. The inlet is open from W to S.

Zmorašnji Medoš

Zmorašnji Medoš/wiki/Kaprije#Zmora.C5.A1nji_Medo.C5.A1
Buoy icon Zmorašnji Medoš [[Kaprije#Zmorašnji Medoš|Zmorašnji Medoš]] 43°42.806'N, 015°41.429'E
At the NE side of the island S of the headland of Medoš. A few buoys are deployed there by a konoba. They have a pontoon as well. Note: Take care of submarine cable there.

Oštrica islet

A couple of anchorages close to the Oštrica islet: Luka/wiki/Kaprije#LukaAnchorage icon Luka [[Kaprije#Luka|Luka]] 43°41.925'N, 015°42.480'E on the W of Oštrica and U. Mrtovac/wiki/Kaprije#U._MrtovacAnchorage icon U. Mrtovac [[Kaprije#U. Mrtovac|U. Mrtovac]] 43°41.473'N, 015°43.010'E on the S of Oštrica. There is a konoba is ashore just across the islet with a small jetty there suitable for dingies and motor boats only.



On the jetty at the village.


On the jetty at the village.








Bins at the root of the jetty.



No fuel.

Bottled gas









Mobile connectivity

Is there mobile telephone signal such as G4, G3, GPRS in the island? How strong is the signal? Are there any blind spots?

Vehicle Rentals



There is a small grocery shop in the village -- just at the root of the jetty.


Ferries to Sibenik.

Eating out

  • Village of Kaprije -- several restaurants. In particular Restoran Neptun at the root of the jetty is good.
  • U. Mala Nozdra -- there are also a few buoys provided by the two restaurants ashore, which are free if you eat there


The settlement of Kaprije Town is pleasant enough to explore and the landscape of the island is worth exploring, with its olive groves and small vineyards. The hill of Velika Glavica outside Kaprije Town is worth climbing for the views.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)


For other useful websites, see Croatia.

References & Publications

See Croatia.


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