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43°21.77′N, 08°14.5′W
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Sada Marina
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The beach resort and marina of Sada is situated in the Ria de Betanzos four miles due east of La Coruña. It is a popular tourist centre with some good beaches nearby, but its main attraction for the visiting yachtsman is its large, modern marina away from the bustle and crowds of La Coruña round the corner. A more recent attraction is Casper the friendly dolphin, reported in 2009 as making regular trips to the harbour and often escorting arriving yachts into the marina.


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Radio Nets

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Local Weather

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Approach and Navigation

Approaching the Ria De Betanzos from N, continue a mile and a half due south from Cabo Prioriño Chico, then turn onto a course of 135º until the Torre de Hercules on the promontory of La Coruña is no longer visible. From there, the entrance to Sada marina is a further four miles, on the western side of the Ria. Follow the coast until you reach the port breakwater. The marina is situated south of the fishing port. Depths in the approach are reported as 4.0 metres.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)

Call Marina Sada on VHF channel 09 or telephone: +34 981 619015 or e-mail: [email protected]. Office hours are 10.00 - 14.00 and 16.00 - 19.00.

Offshore Islands and Groups


Marinas & Yacht Clubs

The Puerto Deportivo Marina Sada ( is a large, modern marina offering a total of 700 berths, 70 of which are reserved for yachts in transit. Maximum length 20 metres. Depths in the marina are 3.0 metres. A maximum stay of seven days is imposed during high season. Water and electricity. Fuel station. Travel lift (32T). Laundry. Chandlery. Supermarket. Cash machine.


  • In the large bay of Ares, five miles due north of Sada on the other side of the Ria. Anchor where convenient clear of the moorings. Shelter good from all directions except E/SE. There is also a small marina here (details needed).

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

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Most mechanical and electrical repairs through the marina. Hard standing available.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Water and electricity at all berths (a daily charge is made according to boat size). Fuel berth in the marina (10.00 - 20.00) - depth at pontoon 2.5 metres.

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


Sada is a pleasant town with several good beaches but little else. The bus into La Coruña reportedly takes a very scenic route around the coast.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Small supermarket and provisions shops in the town.





At the marina.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal



Transportation (local and/or international)

Routes/Passages To/From

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Cruiser's Friends

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Forum Discussions

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External Links

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References & Publications

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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • Details researched March 2010 (but not visited)- --Athene of Lymington 19:27, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

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