Port Phillip

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Port Phillip

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Port Phillip, usually known as Port Philip Bay, incorporates Corio Bay to the west and joins Bass Strait with Victoria's capital city Melbourne (population approx 4,000,000) and Victoria's largest regional city Geelong (population approx 200,000). The bay is large, covering approximately 1930 square kilometres (approx 745 square miles) with a shoreline of approximately 264 kilometres (approx 164 miles) with a single opening to the sea in the south known as "The Heads". Although the bay is relatively shallow, it is mostly navigable but care is required in the southern area which has two navigable channels; West Channel usually used by recreational vessels and has a depth of around 4 metres and the South Channel that is used by all commercial traffic and has a depth of around 12 metres. The bay has Yacht Clubs and Marinas dotted around the shoreline.

The Yarra River flows into the northern end of the bay and is the site of both the city of Melbourne and the Port of Melbourne, which is Australia's busiest commercial port. To service this port, Port Philip Heads and the mouth of the Yarra River were dredged to allow deeper drafted vessels to enter the bay. This work was started in 2004 and finished in late 2009 and has been the source of great controversy by environmental groups.

The first European explorers arrived in 1802 on the Lady Nelson commanded by John Murray and shortly after the HMS Investigator commanded by Matthew Flinders, the first navigator to circumnavigate Australia. The European settlement did not get established until late 1803 in an area now known as Sorrento. However, the settlement was abandoned mid 1804 due to lack of fresh water and usable timber. The area was then left undisturbed by Europeans until 1835 when John Batman established Melbourne. Traditionally, the lands surrounding the bay was home to various indigenous peoples including the; Wathaurong, Wurundjeri and Boonwurrung.


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