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Grenada Cruising Guide

Grenada map.png
Grenada flag.png
Capital: St Georges
World icon.png 12°03′N, 61°45′W
Language: English
Currency: East Caribbean Dollar (XCD)
Timezone: UTC-4 (No DST)
More notes about the country
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Grenada is a group of three larger islands (Grenada, Carriacou, and Petit Martinique) and several tiny islands in the Caribbean, or West Indies. It lies just northeast of Trinidad and Tobago, and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It is famous for spices and is known as the Spice Isle, being a major source of nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, and cocoa.

Grenada is a popular turning point for cruisers to either return back up the Caribbean chain or to turn westward towards Panama.

Cruising the region

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Climate & Weather

Submit the climate & general weather details here.

Sources of weather forecasting here.


Submit details of the charts required for safe navigation of the area.

Special Navigation Notes

Any navigation notes here.

Local Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

Submit details of Cruiser's Nets and VHF operating/calling channels here.

Arrival/Departure procedures

The Q flag should be flown on arrival and the following documents must be prepared for clearing in:

  • Ship's registration papers
  • Clearance document from your last port.
  • Passports
  • Health declaration
  • 4 crew lists
  • A list of ship's stores

When clearing in, obtain a cruising permit from Customs if you intend sailing around Grenada. The cruising permit is valid for one year and becomes invalid if you leave Grenada. Upon return, you must obtain a new cruising permit. Clearance must be obtained for both sailing around the coast and departure from Grenada.

Immigration, Visas & Customs

Visas are not required by citizens of the EU, Commonwealth (except for Pakistan, who require a visa), United States, Japan, Bulgaria, Chile, Iceland, Israel, South Korea, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Taiwan and Venezuela. All others require visas, although a visa-free stay may be granted on arrival if continuing on to another destination within 14 days.


  • Firearms and ammunitions MUST be declared on arrival. These will either be sealed on board in a suitable locker or held in custody until your departure.
  • All prescription medication must be declared on arrival.
  • "Yacht in Transit" applies to the import of parts, etc., (form C14 from Customs).
  • PETS: The Chief Veterinarian Officer must be notified in advance of your arrival. A Health Certificate issued by a Veterinarian within two weeks of travel must be produced, together with and Import Permit before animals can be landed. Cats to be vaccinated against rabies, feline-rhinotracheitis, feline infectious-peritonitis and calicivirus. Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies within 6 weeks prior to arrival, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza. Online forms. For further information call the Veterinary and Lifestock Office - Ph: (473) 440-3195 or Fax (473) 440 4191.

Fees and Dues

  • Boat tax
    • Up to 40' = EC$50
    • Up to 60' = EC$75
  • Clearance fees
    • Environmental levy (per person) = EC$12.50
    • Navigation Aid levy = EC$45
  • Overtime charge (clearing outside office hours) = EC$40


  • Anchoring is not allowed at Grand Anse Beach
  • Lobstering and spearfishing is prohibited

Islands in the Group

  • Grenada
  • Carriacou
  • Petit Martinique

Ports & Popular Stops

Offshore Islands


Submit any health warnings/information and any security details here.




Transportation to mainland or other countries, etc.

References & Publications

Books, Guides, etc.

References & Publications

Publications, Guides, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

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External links

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Personal Notes

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