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My name is Giorgio Ardrizzi and I am an Italian sailorman. In 1992 with my wife Mariolina, we left Italy aboard of our sy Saudade III, a 40 foot long Amel Sharki ketch. In all this years we visited the Mediterranean Sea, Madeira, Canarias, Cabo Verde Islands, Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Antarctic Peninsula.

We spent 16 years in the Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia, visiting intensely all the area. In 1996 we decided to write a nautical guide and after 8 years of hard, but really beautiful work, in 2003 finally we published the Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego Nautical Guide.

Fell in love with these wonderful lands and its people, we continued intensively to sail along the incredible Chilean channels and fiords. At the same time we worked to improve our guide. In 2007 we published the second edition of our guide and currently we are working to the third one.

In 2011 finally we decided to leave the high latitudes and we sailed along the coast of Argentina up to the Rio de la Plata. We spent two years in this area, visiting the Delta of Parana, the Uruguay River and almost all the marinas of Uruguay and Argentina. Now our yacht is on the ground in the port of Piriapolis, Uruguay. We plan to return in Brazil in 2015.

I discovered your excellent web page and I would like to be a member of this community and if possible, due to my poor English, contribute with some info, data and photo of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and Río de la Plata area (Argentina and Uruguay).

Thank you very much and fair wind at all the members of this community. Giorgio Ardrizzi [email protected] [email protected]

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